Monday, December 1, 2014

Completed Annotated Bibliography

Clemmit, Martin. "Dealing with Cyberbullying." The Guardian. N.p., n.d. Web.

This website is good and helpful because it has informed me more about cyber bullying, and a few helpful ideas for school on preventing it, such as education about bullying, and anti-bullying trained faculty members. It also gives a few hints for students on how to prevent it such as not putting up personal information online and other hints. And finally, it gives ideas on how to overcome the bullying, by things like ignoring the messages and not giving the bully reason to keep bothering you. Overall it is a very helpful source.

"Delete Cyberbullying - What to Do If You're a Victim." Delete Cyberbullying - What to Do If You're a Victim. N.p., n.d. Web. 20 Nov. 2014.

This website is extremely helpful because it provides so easy to read information about stopping cyber bullying. It makes a lot of good helpful points on what to do such as ignoring the bully and reaching out to adults. But, the most helpful information is what not to do. The webpage advises against forwarding the bully’s messages, sinking to the bully’s level, and most importantly not believing the bully. The bully will say mean and hurtful things to try and destroy confidence, but the key is to not believe the bully and become self-conscious. It is always good to just ignore the bully. This is a great website and source. 

"Six Unforgettable CyberBullying Cases." No BullyingExpert Advice On Cyber Bullying School Bullying. N.p., n.d. Web. 30 Nov. 2014.

This source is very helpful for my digital story project because it provides me with real life examples of tragic cyber bullying stories. The bullying be because of many different shallow reasons such as rumors of being gay or leaked naked photos. The children could be bullied because they are gay or because it is only a rumor. Nonetheless, it is hurtful and shouldn’t matter whether someone is gay or not. On the other hand, when girls send naked photos, it is very dangerous for them to be sent to many other people than the intended person. And in many cases that leads to bullying. The cyber bullying gets so bad that hate pages pop up on social media websites. Overall, this website is very informative, and should be a key website source in my efforts to produce this cyber bullying digital story.

Newcomb, Alyssa. "Teen Charged in Fatal Cyberbullying Case of Rebecca Sedwick to Remain in Jail." ABC News. ABC News Network, 15 Oct. 2013. Web. 30 Nov. 2014.

I found this website had a very interesting quote from a young girl that bullied a girl named Rebecca so much so that Rebecca killed herself. The girl said "'Yes, I bullied Rebecca and she killed herself but I don't give a f---." This quote shows the lack of respect and regard for other’s emotions. It honestly appalls me how little this young girl cared that she helped end a life. The girl told Rebecca many times to kill herself, it is disgusting. I believe this source shows the bully side and how terrible they can be to the victims. This is also a fairly recent story (2013) which I think makes it more relevant to today. 

Monday, November 24, 2014

Surveillance Article

All credit is owed to the respective owners. This is not my work.

Friday, November 21, 2014

Digital Storyboard Proposal

Digita Story
I have chosen to do my Digital Story on the issue of cyber bullying on social media sites. I believe that the topic of cyber bullying is relevant to what we have been doing in class because it falls in the intersection of digital media and social justice. There are many forms of cyber bullying, and there are many means through which to bully. The digital story will be about a young teenager who is messaged and bullied through social media sites such as Facebook and Twitter. The adolescent will be targeted because she is a little bit different from the crowd, whether it’s the way she dresses, her sexual orientation or that she’s just plain different. The story takes place in the young girl’s home, in her room, on her computer, and she receives multiple messages from a mean girl at her high school. Throughout the story, he attempts to overcome the hate she receives from her classmates. So, that’s the gist of the story, abd ideally it will be more developed in the final project. The theme is to not cyber bully because it is extremely hurtful and can cause major damage to a person.
                I plan on using a comic strip creator such as pixton to actually put together my digital story. I have experience with pixton because I used it in our comic strip project having to do with democracy. So, in turn, I have had the chance to learn the concepts and features of pixton, such as the character movement and the text box placements.

 Annotated Bibliography
Clemmit, Martin. "Dealing with Cyberbullying." The Guardian. N.p., n.d. Web.
This website is good and helpful because it has informed me more about cyber bullying, and a few helpful ideas for school on preventing it, such as education about bullying, and anti-bullying trained faculty members. It also gives a few hints for students on how to prevent it such as not putting up personal information online and other hints. And finally, it gives ideas on how to overcome the bullying, by things like ignoring the messages and not giving the bully reason to keep bothering you. Overall it is a very helpful source.
"Delete Cyberbullying - What to Do If You're a Victim." Delete Cyberbullying - What to Do If You're a Victim. N.p., n.d. Web. 20 Nov. 2014.

This website is extremely helpful because it provides so easy to read information about stopping cyber bullying. It makes a lot of good helpful points on what to do such as ignoring the bully and reaching out to adults. But, the most helpful information is what not to do. The webpage advises against forwarding the bully’s messages, sinking to the bully’s level, and most importantly not believing the bully. The bully will say mean and hurtful things to try and destroy confidence, but the key is to not believe the bully and become self-conscious. It is always good to just ignore the bully. This is a great website and source. 

Friday, November 7, 2014

Digital Story blog

All throughout this class, I have been exposed to and now understand the intersection of digital media and social justice. I realized the potential of making an impact in social justice issues by means of the digital media. I only recently learned what the acronym lgbt means, and I am thinking about focusing my digital storyboard around what i learned regarding the lesbian and gay movement. Using digital media, I believe that I can formally relate my first person narrative in which I became more aware of issues in the world that I have become aware of only recently. 

As for the web 2.0 multimedia applications I will be using, I have not decided on it as of now. I have looked through the digital media application on cogdogroo, and I have come up with a few ideas on which ones I might be interested in using. I stumbled upon some websites to create a 2D platforming video game, and I became interested because I am a fan of video games in general. The only problems would be finding a way to incorporate my story into the video game itself. Another option for a multimedia application would possibly making a comic strip again. In general, a comic strip would be an easier way to tell a story than a platformer game, but I might be able to find a way to make a different type of video game. I am definitely interested in making a game with a story. A third option would to make a slideshow, which I also think would be effective. 

Monday, November 3, 2014

Problem Statement and Group Literature Review

Part A
On June 17, 2013, Edward Snowden alerted the world to what the United States organization known as the
NSA was perpetrating; the simultaneous surveillance of multiple entities across the world in search for a terrorist threat. The reading of emails, texts, posts, Facebook updates, phone calls, everything, all done for the purpose of national security. The defilement of the Fourth Amendment, created for the defense of one's privacy and the inability for the government to gain evidence illegally, while the Supreme Court proceeded to call the act constitutional because of a ruling in 1979.
To some, this is acceptable. National security should be a nation's prime focus, and the Supreme Court did declare this acceptable. This is a price we must pay for our safety and our protection.
To others, it is a breach of freedom and must be destroyed. To forsake the Constitution and ignore those laws put in place by our founding fathers is an action considered dishonorable and wrong. Groups such as the ACLU and millions of independent Americans protest these actions, pushing for Congressional laws and restrictions, urging presidential action. They attempt to keep the fight precipitated by Snowden's betrayal going, reminding people of this problem.
As with any political issues, the main problem is the short term memory of the public. People forget great problems rather quickly and, unless continually reminded by the media, cease to pursue the completion of the original goal. With the case of this serious breach of our human rights, we need to keep the knowledge and movement alive because if this heinous crime falls into anonymity, or rights as a whole will remain in a state of peril.

Part B
In our social action project my group is discussing the issue of government surveillance and the abuse of their power provided. Our ethical goal would be to raise the public’s awareness so they can monitor what information they provide of themselves. The significance of doing this will limit the availability of the governments access to the person lives of the individuals and keep their private life private. Making people aware of the government surveillance will cause them to get involved and possibly starting a change reaction letting the awareness to rise quicker. We would like to reach the political goal of restricting the access of the government to their citizen’s personal life. If possible we could limit the access of personal information of the government by passing a potential law making it illegal for the government to access certain information. The significance of this would be that of allowing citizens to live a private lifestyle keeping personal things personal.

Part C
The practical questions about our project are who, what, where, when, and how. The first one who, is all five of us. We will be the ones responsible for the project and making it happen. Connor, James, Ethan, Mason, and myself will be accomplishing the what, which is creating a cross between guerilla art and culture jamming. We will be crafting and putting up posters with fake personal information on them, such as usernames and passwords to social media sites and other private material. Since our issue is NSA surveillance, our aim is to show the general public private information and emphasize to them that privacy is important by forcing them to ask themselves the question “What if this were my information? Would I permit it to be accessible?” We chose the Lombardo Student Center atrium as the location of the posters. We chose that site because a great deal of students pass through it multiple times a day, whether they are going to lunch, or going anywhere in the LSC. Also, the Atrium always has posters and such covering the walls, and thus it is the ideal place for our project to take place in. Ideally, the project will be on the Monday November 24, which is the Monday before Thanksgiving Break. This is a suitable time to do it, because our project is due soon after that. And as for how, we will be asking permission for the use of the Lombardo Student Center from the Office of Student Activities.

Group Lit Review
Our choice for the social action project is a combination of elements from guerilla art and culture jamming with the goal of making the community at John Carroll University more conscious about surveillance, privacy, and government boundaries. Both guerilla art and culture jamming are alternative forms of art used to provoke thought, discussion, and, usually, controversy. Almost always coming with political undertones, they provide a voice and a mode of social commentary for those who want to spread a message in a unique, effective way. Though they are mostly underground movements where the identities of those involved are left secret, the messages left by those involved can be far reaching and influential.
On the University of Washington’s website, they provide information about culture jamming, stating that it is “an intriguing form of political communication that has emerged in response to the commercial isolation of public life.” It goes on to give several links to articles containing different perspectives and useful information on culture jamming. Some of the articles, such as those written by Sven Woodside and David Cox look at culture jamming from a more humorous standpoint, talking about how the humor of culture jamming is often what provokes thought and attention from the public. Others look at it from a more serious standpoint, discussing the social implications of the messages left by culture jammers. Both viewpoints provide a better understanding of culture jamming and the different ways it can be utilized. The page on the University of Washington also provides links to organizations, such as Adbusters Magazine, who are dedicated to street art and culture jamming.
In his article about subvertisements, Scott Tsuchitani gives a specific example of a culture jamming/guerilla art piece where an advertisement for an “hyper-sexualized Orientalist fantasy” being shown at the Asian Art Museum of San Francisco was subverted and put on a billboard in protest. The author then gives a detailed list of objectives to have when making guerilla art/participating in culture jamming.
Another article that caught our attention is contained information about using culture jamming to inspire student activism. In the article by Marilyn Frankenstein, the author writes about different forms of culture jamming (visual and written text, visual and oral text, sound), The Yes Men (a famous, movie making culture jamming duo) and how to inspire students to seriously consider social issues. The author states that, in her experience, if you can connect students to social issues in unconventional ways, they will retain and ponder the issues more.
Similar to this, an article by Steven Ciampaglia describes a class that he and a colleague created to get students to create art that would reach the attention of people outside of their classroom and provoke thought on a social issue, much like our session of FYS. Both of these articles reaffirm our belief that these alternative methods of art can be used effectively in the JCU community.

Individual Literature Review

The debate is whether or not the government is looking at our personal online information, and also if they should be allowed to access that kind of data. Most people believe that the government have, in fact, gained access to our private computers and data because of Snowden. Snowden Leaked NSA docutments that shared the government’s plans to look into our personal information. The most prominent program that he leaked is called PRISM which monitors social media websites. Many citizens are outraged by their lack of privacy. Some believe that the government can see you through your webcam on your laptop, and so they have covered the webcam up with tape. Back in September, Edward Snowden boldly claimed that everyone in New Zealand that was using the internet was being watched. The Prime Minister of New Zealand, John Key, did not dismiss the possibility that the NSA could be watching his country, however, he did deny that his nation’s intelligence agency was sharing any information on citizens. But, Snowden leaked documents about a 2012 New Zealand program titled “Speargun” whose aim was to implement a public surveillance system. Key stated that he knows of Speargun’s existence, but insists that it is only for individual purpose and can only be accessed with a warrant. New Zealand is also know to spy on other countries privacy, which makes them untrustworthy. The surveillance problem is not only an issue in the United States, but also in countries all over the world. Even as far away as New Zealand, surveillance is a major issue.

Friday, October 24, 2014


The NSA uses a program called PRISM to obtain the personal information of users of popular social media websites and other various sites. It uses websites such as Facebook, Google, and Yahoo, however the prominent figures of each of these websites denied leaking information about a vast number of users to the government.They do, however, admit that they will give information about individuals when it is lawful. One thing is consistent, and that is all of these companies deny all knowledge of PRISM's existence. We cannot be sure that these companies are lying to us, but if they are telling the truth then its a possibility that PRISM obtains information directly off of the fiber optic cables. This kind of access to information is dangerous and scary. The government has access to everyone's personal data like passwords and can even read his or her emails. The NSA and its defenders say that these kinds of activities are only targeting foreigners and possible terrorists. This is the purpose of our social justice action project. We want to emphasize that having your personal information readily available to the government is uncomfortable and should not be legal. Overall, I think that this is a huge problem that has recently come to the surface, and needs to be dealt with soon. We shouldn't stand for our privacy being invaded, and the violation of our rights as Americans. Surveillance it unethical, and the CEO of Google stated that he does not know of any program dishing out information about groups of people otherwise he would have quit Google because he does not want to  be involved with such scandalous activities. I respect him for saying that, but its bold to claim you would quit your high paying and high authority job in the blink of an eye. At any rate, even he knows its unethical and should not be a problem today.

Thursday, October 9, 2014

SAP Introduction

For my Social Action Project, I have decided on focusing around the issue of electronic waste. Recent studies have shown that a large majority of materials that we recycle in the United States actually end up in highly toxic and dangerous recycling operations in Asia. Most of our recycling is being off-shored, and is handled by extremely underpaid workers in poor working conditions. These workers are often children and take apart the electronics by hand in dangerous scrap yards. Other means of exposing of electronic waste include landfills and incineration. When electronics end up in a landfill, they release toxins that eventually make their way to the atmosphere, and when various metals found in electronics are incinerated, they pollute the air as well. We keep on sending our waste to developing countries that risk harm to their workers just to sell the few parts they can salvage. Also, in many areas it is illegal to recycle plastic from e waste in order to avoid hurting the environment, however, these developing countries have no such law. The good name of recycling that has been promoted all these years is being soiled by these types of operations over seas. The three R's we all know, reduce, reuse, and recycle are mentioned in Jim Puckett's article "High Tech's Dirty Little Secret, " but he also mentions another very important R word "Responsibility." Its our responsibility to make sure we don't pollute the earth with our electronic waste, and we find a way to sensibly and intelligently recycle our garbage.

In order to regulate e waste, and deal with it responsibly, I have chosen to take action by organizing a peaceful demonstration regarding electronic waste awareness and prevention. I believe that a rally is the best way to approach this social project. A major problem with the electronic waste issue is that it is not well known, and therefore we should focus the rally on spreading awareness on the issue. If we can just get more people interested in helping the cause, then we can really make a difference because there is strength in numbers. We can draw people to the rally by planning to have a musical group play, and turning the rally into a concert with informative signs and flyers all over the place. We can pass around a petition to regulate waste that is sent to Asia and Africa. Obviously if we can get a more popular music group then we will have a bigger turn out. I think it could work really well, because, in my opinion, have someone preform is far more interesting than having some unknown person speak on a podium for hours. Concerts to benefit causes are very common and successful, although they are mostly used by celebrities. If we can get  celebrity on board, then the event would have huge potential. The concert is certainly not limited to only bands or singers, it could be a comedian or any other entertainer or performer. We can even use donations from the attendees to go towards recycling properly.

Consumerism, self-creation and prospects for a new ecological consciousness- Discussion Questions

Do you agree that consumerism is affecting the individuality and personal identity of the consumers themselves?

Do you think that consumerism is not about material needs at all anymore?

What do you think Hamilton's aim was in writing this?

Who is his audience, and why?

Friday, October 3, 2014


2.  Mercury falls from the air into bodies of water and turns into methylmercury, which is highly toxic. This finds its way into the fish in the water, and then the birds and mammals eat the fish that have been exposed to methylmercury and become exposed themselves. The effects of the mercury on the wildlife can include reduced fertility, slower growth an development rate, and even death.
Mercury is regulated Internationally by the Environmental Protection Agency, by several laws such as the Clean Air Act, the Clean Water Act, the Safe drinking Water Act. and the Resource conservation and Recovery Act.

Thursday, October 2, 2014

Students not Allowed to Support Teachers?

In Cuyohoga heights, Ohio, on homecoming weekend, during a football game, the students prepared a sign to wave that supported the teacher's decision to potentially strike. However, the students were not allowed to hod it up. The public is outraged, because of the violation of our freedom of speech. I, personally, don't know why holding up a sign supporting people as important and good as teachers would not be allowed. On the other hand, I realize that the board of education obviously does not want the teachers to strike, but I do not agree with how they handled the situation. I also see it as an outrage. The whole situation is in total violation of our basic American freedoms. America allows anyone the right to protest, and there can't be special exceptions for people in higher positions of authority to diminish our rights. 

I remember just this past year, the Strongsville High School teachers went on strike. It was a huge deal, and it lasted for a very long time. I believe that if the teachers have been treated so poorly that they have to go on strike is a valid enough reason to do so. To my knowledge, no student at Strongsville directly made signs to support the strike at the school. The Teacher Union exists just to avoid such situations as this. 

I wonder if the teaching strike at Cuyohoga Heights High School will happen, and be as big of a deal as the Strongsville one. These events just happened last weekend, the weekend of September 26th. This whole situation could turn into a more major event in the coming weeks, because of the debate about freedom of speech. 

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Thursday, September 18, 2014


Even today, after the major race problems in history were solved, many injustices towards various races are still alive in our society. I just recently read an article called "5 Signs Racism is still Alive and Rampant Today" written by Robin Marty. In it, Marty shares that a mam made a comment that he wished they could go back to the times where "they could hang black men who drank out of the water fountain." That behavior is absolutely unacceptable, and completely goes against all the progress America has made in civil rights. Marty explains another instance where a mannequin of President Obama was seen hanging from a bridge by the neck. The times where things like this was acceptable was a dark time in American history. We can't change the past, but we should learn from our mistakes so that history doesn't repeat itself. There is no need to revert back to the horrible way we treated human beings back when racism was rampant. I believe that all men and women should be treated equally and have equal opportunity. There is a saying that racism is dead, but I disagree because there are many instances of it all over. I will agree that we as a society have become more tolerant and accepting all races, however we are still a long way from being rid of the problem. Marty also explains that racism can be subtle as well as overt. According to the study that the article cited, people buying things all over are shown to react more positively to white . This may not seem like a huge deal, but it is racist to think that the product is any worse just because of the color of the sellers skin.


Friday, September 12, 2014

Poverty Throughout the Globe

A major social justice issue these days is poverty. It affects half of the world, with about three billion men and women attempting to live on less than $2.50 a day (Shah). But even in the U.S. many citizens are struggling to live with even $9 per hour (the low wage one). Also, according the the Census Bureau, 1 in every 5 children are living under the poverty line in the U.S. alone (Meyer). These  numbers make it even more unbelievable that in all the countries around the world, people are still trying to survive on only $2.50 a day. It puts things in perspective that if the many men and women cannot live with 9 dollars an hour in the U.S. then how terrible it must be for the third world countries. Even more shocking statistics include that one billion people came into the year 2000 still not being able to read and so many children in poor countries are malnourished and many are even dying. The huge problem about poverty is worldwide, however still back in the U.S.A there are still tons of people living homeless and in broken homes. This is mainly seen in single mother families, and that is the case with Erika McCurdy . She raises her son and daughter by herself and struggles to pay her bills. You would think that most of the workers still working for minimum wage are the teenagers with jobs, however you would be wrong. Actually most of people that make minimum wage or less are 25 years old or older (Greenhouse). In summation, poverty is a huge issue inside and outside of The United States. 
Work Cited 
Greenhouse, Steven. "Low-Wage Workers Are Finding Poverty Harder to Escape." The New York Times. The New York Times, 16 Mar. 2014. Web. 11 Sept. 2014.

Meyer, Ali. "1 in 5 Children Live in Poverty in US." N.p., n.d. Web. 11 Sept. 2014.

Shah, Anup. "Poverty Facts and Stats." - Global Issues. N.p., n.d. Web. 11 Sept. 2014.

Thursday, September 4, 2014

Class Survey

Hello, my name is Matthew Christopher McGreal, and my friends call me Matt. I am from Berea, Ohio, which is just a suburb south of Cleveland, and is about a 30 to 40 minute car ride from campus. The primary email I will be using will be my John Carroll student email, When I have free time, I really just enjoy hanging out with people and playing a pickup game, card game, board game, or video game. When I'm alone I enjoy playing the guitar or watching a TV show.

I feel comfortable in the small classroom learning environment where I can get to know everyone in the class including the teacher, and feel good about talking with them and sharing ideas. I am able to do just fine in a bigger classroom, but in the smaller classroom, I am definitely willing to take more risks.

I do believe that the internet was a stepping stone in the world of technological inventions, because it provides a way to link the whole world together. Of course without computers we wouldn't have the means to use the internet however, the is the actual connection among the whole world. Not only does the world wide web connect similar interests, it also provides us with valuable tools and ways to learn more about whats going on in the other places around the world. And we find out that not everyone has the privilege to be using the web. Many people are living in poverty or are completely homeless, and they don't have many of the necessities of basic human living let alone the means to use the internet. Really the major social justice issues in our communities today are poverty and homelessness. I don't do much to help these issues, however I do know that the JCU Labre project goes out and brings food to the homeless and even become friends with them. It really is a great project with fantastic people

A question for Mr. Shutkin: If you could have any super power what would it be?