Monday, November 3, 2014

Individual Literature Review

The debate is whether or not the government is looking at our personal online information, and also if they should be allowed to access that kind of data. Most people believe that the government have, in fact, gained access to our private computers and data because of Snowden. Snowden Leaked NSA docutments that shared the government’s plans to look into our personal information. The most prominent program that he leaked is called PRISM which monitors social media websites. Many citizens are outraged by their lack of privacy. Some believe that the government can see you through your webcam on your laptop, and so they have covered the webcam up with tape. Back in September, Edward Snowden boldly claimed that everyone in New Zealand that was using the internet was being watched. The Prime Minister of New Zealand, John Key, did not dismiss the possibility that the NSA could be watching his country, however, he did deny that his nation’s intelligence agency was sharing any information on citizens. But, Snowden leaked documents about a 2012 New Zealand program titled “Speargun” whose aim was to implement a public surveillance system. Key stated that he knows of Speargun’s existence, but insists that it is only for individual purpose and can only be accessed with a warrant. New Zealand is also know to spy on other countries privacy, which makes them untrustworthy. The surveillance problem is not only an issue in the United States, but also in countries all over the world. Even as far away as New Zealand, surveillance is a major issue.

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