Thursday, October 2, 2014

Students not Allowed to Support Teachers?

In Cuyohoga heights, Ohio, on homecoming weekend, during a football game, the students prepared a sign to wave that supported the teacher's decision to potentially strike. However, the students were not allowed to hod it up. The public is outraged, because of the violation of our freedom of speech. I, personally, don't know why holding up a sign supporting people as important and good as teachers would not be allowed. On the other hand, I realize that the board of education obviously does not want the teachers to strike, but I do not agree with how they handled the situation. I also see it as an outrage. The whole situation is in total violation of our basic American freedoms. America allows anyone the right to protest, and there can't be special exceptions for people in higher positions of authority to diminish our rights. 

I remember just this past year, the Strongsville High School teachers went on strike. It was a huge deal, and it lasted for a very long time. I believe that if the teachers have been treated so poorly that they have to go on strike is a valid enough reason to do so. To my knowledge, no student at Strongsville directly made signs to support the strike at the school. The Teacher Union exists just to avoid such situations as this. 

I wonder if the teaching strike at Cuyohoga Heights High School will happen, and be as big of a deal as the Strongsville one. These events just happened last weekend, the weekend of September 26th. This whole situation could turn into a more major event in the coming weeks, because of the debate about freedom of speech. 

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