Thursday, September 4, 2014

Class Survey

Hello, my name is Matthew Christopher McGreal, and my friends call me Matt. I am from Berea, Ohio, which is just a suburb south of Cleveland, and is about a 30 to 40 minute car ride from campus. The primary email I will be using will be my John Carroll student email, When I have free time, I really just enjoy hanging out with people and playing a pickup game, card game, board game, or video game. When I'm alone I enjoy playing the guitar or watching a TV show.

I feel comfortable in the small classroom learning environment where I can get to know everyone in the class including the teacher, and feel good about talking with them and sharing ideas. I am able to do just fine in a bigger classroom, but in the smaller classroom, I am definitely willing to take more risks.

I do believe that the internet was a stepping stone in the world of technological inventions, because it provides a way to link the whole world together. Of course without computers we wouldn't have the means to use the internet however, the is the actual connection among the whole world. Not only does the world wide web connect similar interests, it also provides us with valuable tools and ways to learn more about whats going on in the other places around the world. And we find out that not everyone has the privilege to be using the web. Many people are living in poverty or are completely homeless, and they don't have many of the necessities of basic human living let alone the means to use the internet. Really the major social justice issues in our communities today are poverty and homelessness. I don't do much to help these issues, however I do know that the JCU Labre project goes out and brings food to the homeless and even become friends with them. It really is a great project with fantastic people

A question for Mr. Shutkin: If you could have any super power what would it be?

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